A Place For The Next Generation


What To Expect

At Well House Kids, our goal is to create a place where kids can feel comfortable leaving their parents in adult service while they have fun and learn about the Gospel.

When your children arrive for the first time, we will get them checked in; including gathering some basic information to ensure your child is safe and cared for.

Next your Birth - 2nd Graders will go to class, while 3rd -5th will join you for worship. After worship they will also be dismissed to their class from the main service.

In class, they will find a mix of games, activities, videos, and more designed to engage them at their level.

The classes are lead by a dedicated team of teachers and helpers who are excited to share the love of God with each child.

Snacks may be provided, depending on age and lesson, so please make sure to let us know of any allergies or dietary restrictions,

  • If you have any questions feel free to ask a member of the team or email WellHouseAmber@gmail.com